Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo Have an Eco-Bromance Going On and It’s Totally Adorable
So, a little background first. If you haven’t already heard, California may be about to pass some important legislation that would bring a lot more renewable energy into the state’s overall mix.
The bill known as SB350 aims for 50% renewable energy by 2030. This is a big deal. California is the world’s eighth largest economy. If the bill passes, it means an avalanche of new jobs, millions of kids not suffering so much from asthma (especially in low income communities), and California moving from being a national leader in renewable energy to a world leader.
Support for the bill was looking good but unfortunately has faltered of late, due to the usual political machinations. The senate passed it, but now the assembly is losing their nerve in the face of big oil.
(Picture me slamming my open palm down on the table, Daniel Day Lewis style, “Now! Now! Now! These votes must be procured!”)
Ahem. Anyway. In the midst of all this, two very well known actors have been lending their voices to the cause, Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo.
Both longtime environmentalists, they’ve been speaking up loudly in support of #SB350. DiCaprio, who currently claims the top Tweet , has taken an admirably balanced and benefits-oriented tone….
While Mark Ruffalo is frank and fiery….
…. but the best thing of all is how they’ve been retweeting one another:
…. even when one drinks too much coffee and starts serially Tweeting all the members of the California State Assembly:
Actually, every Californian should be doing exactly what Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo are doing right now and I so appreciate the example they’re setting.
By the way, if you want to weigh in yourself with the Assembly, do it now. The last day of the legislative session is tomorrow. If you’re a Californian, go here to find your representative and send them a message. If you’re not a Californian but you think a ton of renewable energy coming online would be a good thing, go here.